Our system assists our operations in advance

Our operations are supported by an intelligence communication assistance system which effectively handles our law enforcement and compliance activities.

Against Humanity

The following conduct constitutes offenses against humanity:

  • murder
  • torture
  • sexual violence
  • enslavement
  • persecution, and
  • enforced disappearance.

The Crimes and Offences Authority, operating under the International Government, holds the authority to investigate individuals in any country who are suspected of committing these severe offences.


You, the economy, companies and entire nations can all be affected by corruption.

A corrupt offence of receiving or soliciting a benefit/reward is proved by showing that someone has:

  • bribery
  • extortion, and
  • misconduct in the international public office.

Example of this type of corruption includes:

  • making a false accusation to the international or national bodies
  • intentionally slowing down an investigation
  • concealing crimes
  • threatening or intimidating witnesses or jury members, and
  • destroying or tampering with evidence.

The Crimes and Offences Authority under the International Government may investigate any person who has potentially done something that involves severe or systemic corrupt conduct. A person engages in corrupt conduct if:

  • They are an international public official, and they breach the international public trust.
  • They are an international public official and abuse their office as an international public official.
  • They are an international public official or former public official, and they misuse information they have gained in their capacity as an international public official.
  • Suppose they do something that could cause a public official to behave dishonestly or biasedly when carrying out their duties. In that case, any person can engage in this corrupt conduct, even if they are not a public official.

People also engage in corrupt conduct if they try or plan to do any of those things. A public official's conduct may involve one or more corrupt conduct.


Unauthorised access, data modification, and electronic communication impairment are considered offences.

Content, internet, and hosting providers are required to promptly report to the International Digital Offense Authority any abhorrent violent conduct that is including:

  • happening to the nation, and
  • accessible through their services, or
  • hosted on their platforms

The International Government's Crimes and Offences Authority will the authority to investigate individuals suspected of engaging in severe or digital conduct, which includes:

  • Identity theft and fraud
  • Online fraud
  • Online text or image abuse
  • Affected devices
  • Child-related sexual offences
  • Voyeurism
  • Money laundering and fraud
  • Tech-facilitated slavery
  • Dating scams and similar offences.


The sustainable utilisation of natural resources has a direct impact on our daily lives, influencing the quality of our food and the air we breathe.

Activities associated with environmental crimes may encompass:

  • Pollution and contamination of air, land, and water
  • Unauthorised discharge, dumping, or trade of hazardous and other regulated waste
  • Illegal trade of ozone-depleting substances
  • Unregulated, unreported, and illegal fishing practices
  • Unlawful trade of (protected) flora and fauna leading to biodiversity loss
  • Unauthorised logging and timber trade
  • Illicit clearance of native vegetation
  • Water theft.

The International Government's Crimes and Offences Authority will the authority to investigate individuals engaged in activities that may have a significant impact on the environment. Such activities include:

  • Environmental fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Financing of terrorist activities
  • Bribery and corruption
  • Insider trading
  • Obtaining financial advantage through deception


Financial crimes and offences encompass a range of illegal activities intended to exploit, deceive, and defraud financial systems for personal or organisational gain. These activities undermine the integrity of financial markets and present significant risks to investors, consumers, and society.

The Crimes and Offences Authority within the International Government is empowered to investigate individuals suspected of engaging in serious or fraudulent financial behavior.


In order to preserve the integrity of justice and law enforcement, it is imperative to address any acts that undermine or hinder the proper administration of justice at the national or international level.

The Crimes and Offence Authority, operating under the authority of the International Government, is vested with the power to conduct investigations into individuals suspected of engaging in serious misconduct. Such misconduct includes:

  • Bribery
  • General corruption
  • Extortion
  • Dereliction of duty in relation to the administration of justice, and
  • Failure to fulfill the obligations associated with a position within a national or international court.


These crimes include:

  • Murder
  • Extermination
  • Enslavement
  • Deportation
  • Mass systematic rape and sexual enslavement in a time of war
  • Other inhumane acts
  • Persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any other crime against humanity.


The following types of crimes and offenses, while non-violent, have significant repercussions. White-collar crimes have the ability to devastate a company, deplete an individual's life savings, incur substantial financial losses for investors, and diminish public trust in the affected institution.

The Crimes and Offences Authority may investigate individuals suspected of engaging in serious fraudulent activities. White-collar conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Corporate Fraud
  • Health Insurance Fraud
  • Identity Fraud
  • Intellectual Property Theft and or Piracy
  • Money Laundering
  • Mortgage and Financial Institution Fraud
  • Securities and Commodities Fraud
  • Tax Evasion.